Clear Sky


Last night, Aug. 14, it was 9:10 and I went to close the front door. But when I looked outside first, the sky was clear, and I could see stars. We had rain in the afternoon and usually the sky stays cloudy. So, I went out the backdoor and looked all over the sky. There weren’t clouds anywhere!

So, I put on a jacket and stayed out for almost 30 minutes. The moon wasn’t up yet, so the sky was dark and clear, and full of stars. It took about 10 minutes for my eyes to adjust to the dark sky, and the stars kept picking up. Of course, I kept seeing the Milky Way and all the stars around it.

I looked for meteor showers, but I didn’t see any since it was still early. But I did see a few airplanes flying around. What was interesting was low in the north. At first, it was just flashing lights from lightning up toward Creede. But then I realized that it happened frequently, and I thought that maybe it was Perseid Meteor Shower up north. We’ll never really know, but it happened so fast that I thought it was the meteor shower up north.

The new moon is on Aug. 27, but the sky will be dark a few days before and after that. So, hopefully the sky will be clear so we can look at all the stars. If that happens, I will take out my telescope. It’s been so cloudy this summer that I haven’t had my telescope out at all.