New 4-H club in Costilla County a hit


COSTILLA COUNTY — Amanda Wakasugi and Ted Cordova of Costilla County signed up as 4-H Organizational Leaders in August with the dream of starting a 4-H club that offered an array of 4-H projects and an environment that every kid could feel important in.

After a few meetings with the San Luis Valley Area 4-H Agent, they had their club's name, year plan, and their sights set on making a difference in the lives of Costilla County’s youth.

At Silver Sage 4-H Club’s first meeting in October, they had four families arrive to learn what 4-H was about.

Wendy Fischer, a 20-year 4-H leader for the Costilla County 4-H club, offered her support and knowledge to the club leaders. Fischer, Cordova, and Wakasugi found a new way to market through the Sierra Grande School. Texts and emails were sent to parents to notify them of the upcoming opportunity to get involved in 4-H.

The Silver Sage 4-H Club met on Nov. 18 at the Blanca-Ft. Garland Community Center expecting 12 youth to be ready to make the commitment to the 4-H program. To the organizational leaders’ surprise, there were over 20 families that arrived ready to dive headfirst into the 4-H program.

During this 4-H meeting there were officer elections, a butter-making station, and a thankful turkey activity.

The elected Silver Sage 4-H officers were:

  • President: Cody Jackson
  • Vice President: Aleigha Sanchez
  • Secretary: Allison Segura
  • Treasurer: Samuel Gonzalez
  • Pledge Leader: Aubree Taylor

Parents were able to sign up their children for 4-H and utilize their time with Wendy and Morgan Young, the SLV 4-H Agent, by asking questions about the 4-H program.

By the end of the night, 20 kids were signed up and committed to the Silver Sage 4-H Club. Others were excited to be able to look through the 40-plus project areas to decide what they would like to do to sign up at the next Silver Sage 4-H meeting.

From sportfishing to woodworking, from cake decorating to artistic clothing, and from animal projects to small engines the San Luis Valley 4-H offers an array of projects and programs that each child in the Valley can participate in.

“In San Luis Valley 4-H, we believe in our head, heart, hands, and health. Our heads are knowledgeable and creative, our heart is caring and compassionate, our hands work hard, and our health is important in every decision we make. We believe in caring for our club, our community, our country, and our world,” local 4-H officials stated.

If you are interested in learning about 4-H or joining the Silver Sage 4-H Club, Costilla County 4-H Club, or any of the 15 4-H clubs around the Valley, contact Morgan Young at the San Luis Valley Area Extension Office at 719-852-7381 or

Morgan Young is CSU SLV Extension 4-H Youth Development Agent.