North Conejos schools off and running

LA JARA — With a new track to run on at Centauri, it appears the entire North Conejos School District is off and running education wise, as well.
For the first time, all of the schools in the district have been rated above performance by the Colorado Department of Education.
Consistently high, Centauri High School rated well above expected performance based on the one-year student performance framework report, according to the Colorado Department of Education.
Superintendent Curt Wilson said the performance plan commands 95 percent participation and all of the district’s schools met that level.
Academic achievement earned 72.5 percent and meets the state standards, academic growth is approaching that level with 61.3 percent, while postsecondary and workforce readiness is high at 81.3 percent.
The state accountability participation rate of 95 percent has been met in English Language Arts, Math and Science.
Wilson said this is due to a combination of outstanding teachers and students who take pride in what they learn and what they want to accomplish.
“I am very proud of what they do each day, their striving for excellence.”
“When people are working together, good things happen.”
To keep the pride going and growing, Wilson said the school district offers as many clubs, events and activities as possible

Middle school
Growing into this success, Centauri Middle School exceeds the performance level by 72.2 percent.
Academic achievement is high at 71.7 percent, while academic growth rises to 72.5 percent.
English language arts is at 99.6 percent, math, 97.4 and science 95.7, all meeting the state required rate.

Elementary schools
La Jara Elementary School is only 58.7 percent, just above performance. Academic achievement meets 71.7 while growth is at 50 percent but approaching the high rating.
Test participation is where these students rank the highest. With a 97.4 percent participation rate in both English language arts and math nearing the accountability rate of 99.1. The science participation rate is 100 percent among 43 tested.
Manassa Elementary School is highest with 85.5 percentage points earned. Academic achievement is at 82.5 percent, while academic growth is 87.5, exceeding all expectations.
English language arts had 100 percent of the required rating among 113 tests taken, math also showed 100 percent the 37 science tests also showed 100 percent participation.

Alternative program
The North Conejos Alternative program just edged the AEC performance guideline of 60.0 percent to 100 percent but is approaching it in both academic achievement and academic growth. Student engagement is at 75 percent and postsecondary and workforce readiness is at 81.3 percent.
The ratings are assessed by student evaluations, not by outright testing, since Alternative education campuses serve a student population where either all students have severe limitations that preclude appropriate administration of state assessments; all students attend on a part-time basis and come from other schools where the part-time students are counted in the enrollment of the other public; or more than 95 percent of the students have either an individual education program and/or meet the definition of a high-risk student as defined by the Educational Accountability Act of 2009.

 Graduate success
The high number of graduates from the North Conejos schools and their success in life is proof that the teachers have instilled great things in their lives, Wilson said. Teachers watch the success of graduates in college, trade schools and the military and so do students still in school.
Wilson said the parents of students in the district are also involved. “It starts in the home and I need to commend our parents for their involvement in their children’s education.”