Road vacation approved with easement

CONEJOS — A portion of two county roads and all of another were vacated Sept. 5 by the Conejos Board of County Commissioners (BOCC).
A Planning Commission hearing was held Aug. 7, opposing landowners were present and the planners recommended approval of the vacation with the proposed easement.
This was the southeast portion of County Road 16.9 South and north portions of CR W.4, along with CR 17 from W.4 to W.5.
A BOCC hearing and review were set Aug. 15, but were postponed due to the fact that Proponent Gary Hostetter was not present. Public comment was closed for the Sept. 5 session.
The Road & Bridge Department reported roads at the southeast portion of 16.9 and W4 exist and are maintained by the county on the Highway Users Tax Fund list for .14 mile. Recommendations were made for a 28-foot wide road easement if the vacation were approved. Road 17 from CR W.4 to W.5 is not open or maintained by the county.
The vacation was sought to clear up boundary lines and existing structures. The zoning is rural with rural residential/residential and agricultural uses.
The change was sought by Gary Hostetter and the Hostetter Family Trust, W. Graham Hostetter, Sandee E. Hostetter, the Hostetter Sibling Trust, Lorraine Ashida and VIP Leasing and filed with the Land Use Office on Dec. 18, 2018.
Notices were mailed to surrounding landowners up to 500 feet from all boundaries, a notice was posted on-site and published twice.

 in The Valley Courier.