San Luis Valley supports family of teen

La Jara's Smith died in dirt bike crash


LA JARA — A 16-year-old teen from La Jara succumbed to his injuries after a dirt bike accident Thursday evening, Aug. 26, in a private field near Manassa, according to the Conejos County Sheriff’s Department.

Efforts to raise funds on a Go Fund Me account and reports from friends of the family indicate the victim was Logan Smith, son of Raymond and Lori Smith.

A goal of $15,000 had already been met, but additional donations may be made at, search “Fundraiser for Raymond and Lori Smith.” As of Tuesday morning, Aug. 31, the total was $23,750.

“Tonight, the world lost a young man that touched the life of so many with is mischievous smile and heart of gold. Logan Smith, son of Raymond and Lori Smith, was in an accident and was unable to pull through. Many hearts are broken at the loss our communities are going through,” stated Go Fund Me account organizer Trisha Reed.

Conejos County Sheriff’s Office deputies and Manassa police responded to the private property crash about 6:45 p.m. Thursday. Smith was reportedly driving a Honda motorcycle when he lost control and was ejected. He was transported to the Conejos County Hospital by ambulance but did not survive.

Since the news of the tragic accident, there has been an outpouring of support for the Smith family.

Centauri FFA organized a benefit dinner for the Smith family on Wednesday night, Sept. 1, from 4 to 7 p.m. at Centauri Middle School. The dinner will be $10 per person or $25 for a family. Burned Out BBQ will be providing the meat for the sandwiches. Centauri FFA and the community will be providing the sides and the desserts.

“We look forward to seeing you there and thank you all for your support,” organizers stated.

Also, Centauri FFA will be selling raffle tickets for a processed finished hog for $5 per ticket. The Montague family donated the animal and Bountiful Meats was donating the processing. For both events, 100 percent of the proceeds will be donated to the Smith family.

This is the second tragedy in the past couple of weeks for the southern San Luis Valley community of La Jara. On Aug. 15 Taj Cornum, 20, and Taven Cornum, 16, were involved in a car crash. Taj Cornum died and Taven Cornum was hospitalized with life-threatening injuries. A Go Fund Me account was set up to help the Cornum family with funeral and medical expenses. It raised over $25,000.

Taven Cornum is a football player on the Centauri High School team. The CHS football team turned its annual potato bar dinner into a benefit fundraiser for the Cornum family on Aug. 19 at Centauri Middle School.

Sargent has organized a Farmers Love Falcons silent auction fundraiser for the Centauri community. It will take place during Sargent’s homecoming football game on Sept. 10. All proceeds from the fundraiser will go to the Smith and Cornum families.