Alamosa ARTsFestival starts Friday 

Celebrating art - Alamosa style 


ALAMOSA — Dynamic. Inspiring. Immersive. Engaging. And, yes, way cool. All words that barely scratch the surface when describing the experience of the Alamosa ARTsFestival, happening this weekend in downtown Alamosa.   

Now in its 8th year, the ARTsFestival starts on Friday with the ARTScape rotation of sculptures.  

The work of 15 chosen artists coming from the San Luis Valley and across the country will be installed in selected locations in downtown Alamosa, replacing sculptures that are currently on display.  

Observers are welcome to follow behind and watch the installations, getting a first-hand look at some of the truly stunning art of these extraordinarily talented artists. ARTScape, the traditional (and, in a way, almost ceremonial) rotation of the sculptures, starts Friday morning at the corner of State and Main at 7:30 a.m. and goes throughout the day until 4 p.m. (Of course, there’s a break for lunch from 12 to 1 p.m. Installing artistic sculptures isn’t exactly easy work.) 

Then, Friday night, there’s the Celebration of Arts Reception held at the SLV Museum, 401 Hunt Ave. 

Scheduled to begin at 5:30 p.m., the reception is a meet and greet with both local and traveling artists while all are enjoying food, drinks and entertainment. For those who are curious about where artists get their inspiration or would like to know the background of a specific sculpture that has captured someone’s imagination, this is an opportunity to speak to the genius behind the work.  

At the reception, there will also be a presentation of “Patron of the Arts” awards honoring those who have been most notably supportive. 

On Saturday, starting at 10 a.m. and going until 4 p.m., there’s even more art to appreciate and absorb with the ArtWalk.  

Twenty-five different highly talented local artists will have their work on display – and, in some cases, for sale along with other items – in locations running along Main Street and around the corner on Hunt Avenue. 

There’s truly nothing quite like browsing from one artist to another while becoming immersed in the amazing things that spring forth from the creative spirit of people. 

In some cases, it just might inspire a person to get in touch with their own inner artist, at which point, they need to go to the “Wet Paintbrush” painting class that starts at 1 p.m. and goes until 3 p.m. The session will be held on San Juan Avenue off Main Street for a cost of $20. All who attend are guaranteed to leave with their own extraordinary version of an aspen changing colors in the fall. 

And, yes, there’s still more. 

From 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday, the Salida Circus will be performing on San Juan Avenue when some of them are not mingling (or juggling) among the crowd. They won’t be hard to find. Just follow the gasps as people watch the stunts the performs can do or keep an eye out for a brightly dressed person walking about who stands about…oh…ten feet tall.  

In a Valley that is already beautiful, Alamosa ARTsFestival manages to make it even more so for the two days of Sept. 13 and 14. It is an experience not to be missed.